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Welcome secondary 1 students !!
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Because having a plan B is useful !
What we do in class:
***In red are some evaluation-formal and informal***
Group 11(day 2,4,7,9 )
Term 1
August 29th: Hello, class rules, competencies
September 3rd: getting to know you soccer ball
September 6th: soccer ball oral practice
September 11th:How to use a dictionary + exercices
September 13th: Reading strategies + Cheetah
September 17th: Recap reading strategies+ Fun with the cup
September 20th: Fun with the cup + pets
September 24th:How to take care of a pet
September 26th: How to take care of a pet
October 1st: Programme Hors Piste
October 4th: Pets comprehension questions
October 8th: Marvelous Exploits, pets questions
October 10th: Hachi
October 15th: Hachi
October 18th: Oral having a pet unit
October 22 nd: Bunny text, preparation sheet
October 24th: Bunny, preparation sheet
October 29th: Halloween
November 1st: C2 recap, writing
November 5th: Writing
November 7th:Writing
End of Term 1
November 12th:
November 18th:
November 20th:
November 22nd:
November 26th:
November 29th:
December 4th:
December 6th:
December 10th:
December 13th:
December 17th:
December 19th:
Christmas Break
January 7th:
January 10th:
January 14th:
January 16th:
January 20th:
January 23rd:
January 28th:
January 30th:
February 3rd:
February 6th:
End of term 2
August 28th: class rules, evaluations format, tools, presentation, blog
September 3rd: soccer ball, mini oral
September 5ft: Soccer ball, how to use the dictionary
September 10th: dictionary, sentence structure, personal pronouns
September 12th: Ball game,ronouns, possessive pronouns
September 17th: Auxiliary verbs, sentence writing
September 19th:Oral, reading strategies
September 23rd: reading strategies,question words
September 25th: How to take care of a pet
October 1st: marvelous exploits, How to take care of a pet
October 3rd: Programme Hors Piste- Ude S- finish Pets reading
October 7th: Pets reading + Hachi
October 9th: Hachi,C1 oral
October 15th: having a pet unit
October 17th:bunny text, prep sheet
October 21st: bunny text, prep sheet
October 23rd: C2 recap, Halloween
October 29th: writing
October 31st: Writing
November 4th:Oral
November 6th: From pet to threat
End of term 1
November 12th: sms bunny
November 14th: sms bunny
November 19th:order of adjectives
November 21st:oral, description
November 26th:simple present
November 28th: simple present, c3 writing explanation
December 3rd: Avatar
December 5th: Avatar
December 10th: species
December 12th:species
December 18th:species, Christmas fun
Christmas Break
January 7th:
January 9th:
January 13th:
January 15th:
January 20th:
January 22nd:
January 24th:
January 29th:
February 3rd:
February 5th:
February 7th:
January 15th:
January 20th:
January 22nd:
January 24th:
January 29th:
February 3rd:
February 5th:
February 7th:
Test 3 Come-Cost-Creep-Cut-Deal-Dig-Do-Draw-Dream-Drink
: Test
4 Drive-Eat-Fall-Feed-Feel-Fight-Find-Fly-Forbid-Forget
Test 5 Forgive-Freeze-Get-Give-Go-Grind-Grow-Hang-Have-Hear-Hide
Test 6 Hit-Hold-Hurt-Know-Lay-Lead-Leave-Lend-Let-Light-Lose
What we did in term 2
March Break
March 12th: Simple Past- irregular verb 10 verb to study
March 14th: Simple past mini oral
March 19th: Irregular verb test 1; mini writing ( 10 words to study)
March 21st: Reading strategies
March 25th:Irregular verb test 2, Reading evaluation ( 10 words to study)
March 27th: Reading evaluation
April 1st: Irregular verb test 3; Future
April 3rd: Future, oral preparation +sport
Jour de reprise jour 4: April 5th: Show espresso ( No English class)
April 8th: Irregular test 4; My future self oral presentation
April 10th: Sport, prepare
April 15th: Oral evaluation Sport
April 17th:Irregular test 5 Learning Evaluation Situation Reading C2 Exam
April 23rd:Learning Evaluation Situation Reading C2 Exam
April 26th: Irregular test 6Learning Evaluation Situation Reading C2 Exam
May 1st:LES Survival vocabulary and techniques ( exam preparation)
May 3rd:LES Oral preparation Important vocabulary + explain Survival Kit
May 7th:LES Oral preparation Survival kit + order of adjective
May 9th:LES Oral preparation Survival Kit
May 22nd:LES- C2 reinvest understanding of text FINAL EXAM
May 24th:LLES- C2 reinvest understanding of text FINAL EXAM
May 29th: Mini Bris MATH EXAM
May 31st: C2 LES-C2 reinvest understanding of text FINAL EXAM FINISH + PREPARATION SHEET
June 4th: Olympic Finish plan + fun time
June 6th: Olympic ? Final plan + fun time